Sunday, September 14, 2008


The unseen wind has its way
with leaves and dust
pushing them this way and that
as it scampers along

And as it goes it leaves behind
a breath of warmth and warning
of the summer heat coming soon
and the empty promise of rain

And the green grass and golden
flowers touched by the moving hand
sway to and fro to the rhythms
of old cycling anew eternally

And the river murmurs its accordance
and collusion and adds rhythm
of its own as it flows to the
sea, the shining, undulating sea

aceman 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

I Wonder

Across the wide blue sky the clouds all fill with air
I see in them as they sail by, visions of your face so fair
I wonder at their majesty, sculpted by the master’s hand
I wonder where you are today and if you understand

I tried so hard to make you see how much you meant to me
And how much more than a just a friend I could really be
I tried to tell you how much I cared and how I always would
I guess you didn’t want to hear, I guess I never should

You smiled at each I love you, and each I am in love
You said it’s ok for friends to joke and never could I move
Your heart to understand how deep my feelings ran
You saw me as just a friend, I did not fit your plan

And now I sit and wonder about your life with him
Have your hopes and dreams been realized, does he know your every whim?
Is he everything that you hoped that he would be
And I wonder, how I wonder, do you ever think of me?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Saw You

I saw you at the Chinese place your chopsticks in your hand
Your golden hair newly-coiffed, my, you were looking grand
You were talking to your new friend, oh, hell, what’s-his-face?
The smile you were giving him is one I knew when it was still
our place

I saw you at the gym working out side by side
and I saw you in his car as he was giving you a ride
I saw you two heading home for grilled cheese and wine
another time and another place came briefly to my mind

I saw you on the mountain, Big Red at your feet
You were showing him to his swimming pool, how very sweet.
I saw your pretty pictures as they flew by me in space
The only thing I never saw was me there at your place.