Saturday, August 16, 2008

Conversations With a Friend

Monday, November 07, 2005

my dearest, considerate, and forever thougthful TAM,
you will not believe what i found in the mailroom.... or would you?... a sticker was covering what appeared to be part of your name... or was that just wishful thinking that you would go all the way to wisconsin for me?

i had another thought, what if the package came from the second member of the club?.... could it have been a "thanks for having me in the club" token of appreciation?... but then again i don't know anyone in wisconsin...

but if my first theory is right.... i don't know how i could ever express my gratitude.... other than to tell you i was as tickled as a little meece to find that surprise... and it's a wonder i even made it to work today after all the cheese i've had... you just can't beat a good chunk of colby-jack.... but then again nice mild cheddar goes a long way... let's just put it this way... i had a little co-jack on my baked potato... and then i ate two sleeves of saltines to down the mild... so the muenster is all i have to cling to this afternoon... i make just take it straight.... with no interruptions like crackers, bread, etc.... but we'll see i have all day to think about it...

i don't know if it has anything to do with my lack of self control from last night... but my nose is twitching and the parking lot cat was sleeping by my car this morning... oh, and it made me nervous...

well i should go,
tommy's waiting in the car... i'm afraid the windows have been up too long!

Please don't put me on a cash only basis. I don't know any man who carries THAT MUCH cash!

you funny... funny man... maybe you should stop by the bank!

Lighten up! Enjoy life. Enjoy the people who enjoy you. Don't be like the catfish who starved to death because, every time he saw a tasty-looking morsel fall into the water, he looked for the hook. Afraid to take a bite for fear of biting a hook. Don't be afraid to take a bite of life because you're afraid you will bite a hook, or a worm!

Sure, it's easy to get hooked, end up with a worm, a weasel, whatever. The world is full of assholes, bent on causing grief to everyone they come into contact with, caring for no one, nothing. Don't let them get to you. Don't let them bring you down. Let them go to their own foul devices, to Hell and good riddance.

Surely, we must maintain an element of caution in our lives, lest we be led astray. But don't be afraid to live and love and accept the good things, good people, who come to you as you make your way along Life's pathway on this big spinning blue marble.
my dearest tam....

do these things just pop out of your little head or what?
is that something you have stored in your hard drive?... i'm just wondering...
crazy as it sounds.... i like it... and you sent it my way on a good day... i really needed to hear a little something like that!!

have a good weekend... and if you come across my number in your little black book this weekend.... dial it the way... i'm glad the big man above hit tilt this afternoon and my little silver ball slid down your hall...
see you on the flip side..
My even more dearest YL,

Anytime you hit a bad bumper and see your silver ball heading for the drain....
Just hit the right flipper and send yourself my way.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
In Love
Someone accused me of falling in love with every woman I ever slept with. That’s ridiculous – I’ve fallen in love with a lot more women than that.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Piglet & Pooh

"Pooh", whispered Piglet"Yes, Piglet?", said Pooh"Oh, Nothing", said Piglet, "I was just making sure of you."
Sometime in your future when I’m not around
Think back for a moment and see if you found
Any reason to doubt me or believed that I lied
When I said that I loved you, and you just smiled
Saturday, April 22, 2006


YL as anchor
Putting me to bed each night
What could be sweeter

(YL replies)

YL as anchor
remember two days a week
five could be better