Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Needed- A National Food

Ben Franklin thought the wild turkey should be the national bird of the United States. Others prevailed, and today the majestic Bald Eagle has that honor. The various states of the union have their official birds, official flowers, official songs. What is missing is an official national food. Sure, we have unofficial popular foods - hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza- but are these really all-American foods?

I submit for your consideration as the official National Food of our great country a great American delicacy - a genuine gastronomic delight - GRITS! Now, if you have never heard of grits, or they turn up on your plate with your breakfast eggs and you think they are cream of wheat, your cultural education has been sadly neglected. Grits - full name hominy grits - which is also something your waitress may ask - "Hominy grits would you like?" are made from hominy which is made from corn. Ears of corn; the liquid kind is another story for another time.

Grits are to ham and eggs what a t-bone steak is to salad and baked potato. Grits may be eaten plain, the preferred way, or with salt and pepper, or even butter. But never, ever, ruin your grits by adding sugar. Doing so marks you as an uncouth peasant, or worse, a Yankee.

Grits are never just eaten - grits are rolled around on the tongue, the palate relishing the taste, the nose savoring the bouquet. A good grit is assertive but not overbearing, textured, but not grainy, smooth but not mushy. A vintage grit, from good corn, has true character. Indeed grits build character - many of us are where we are today because of grits. Grits are in our genes, and sometimes on our hips.

Sometimes outsiders refer to grits as Southern ice cream, but ambrosia, nectar of the gods, is more like it. If ever you have the chance to try grits, those fair-haired children of corn, don't be fooled by their apparent simplicity, laying there innocently on your plate. Remember all great wines were once lowly grapes.

I urge your support of this great Southern delicacy, the real breakfast of champions, as the Official Food of these great United States of America. After all, grits are served and loved the length and breadth of the finest homeland on Earth, that is from Georgetown, Kentucky to Brunswick, Georgia and from Natchez, Mississippi to Myrtle Beach South Carolina.
Bon appetit!

- Ed Aceman
Copyright 2008

Copyright 2008

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